Photonics Technology Laboratory

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications

Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia, Athens 15784, GREECE



IST NoE E-photon/One+ (2006-2008)

Optical Networks: Towards Bandwidth Manageability and Cost Efficiency The Network of Excellence (NoE) e-Photon/ONe+, funded by the European Commission, focuses on the 'Broadband for All' strategic objective of the IST 4th call of FP6, targeting network-oriented and system-oriented aspects of the optically enabled broadband. The project has been built upon the experience gained within the previous NoE e-Photon/ONe, funded within the IST 1st call of FP6. The NoE consortium is composed by 40 partners coming from Turkey to Portugal, and integrates academic and industrial partners, including major system companies, important device manufacturers and European telecommunication operators. Our group participates in workpackages VD-A, VD-H, JP-S, JP-E which refer to optical access and home networks research, electro-optical switching solutions and transmission impairments mitigation by electronic means.

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